About Me
So, where did this magical journey kick off? Was it the fairies from Sleeping Beauty? Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Hocus Pocus? The Craft? Practical Magic? Spoiler alert: It’s a glorious combo of them all!
As a proud elder millennial, Disney was my safe space! But I wasn’t about that princess life with a fairy tale ending; I was obsessed with magic—like, full-on “I-want-to-be-a-witch” levels of obsessed! As the enchanting world of magic leaped from books to screens, my love for all things mystical only grew.
During my awkward tween phase, I dabbled in yoga and meditation with my nan, all while navigating the chaotic teenage drama. I soon realized that magic wasn’t just about waving a wand to turn someone into a cat or whipping up a love potion with mum’s fancy shampoos. Nope! It’s a deep spiritual journey, an ancient practice syncing your body, mind, and soul with the universe. It’s all about living life to the fullest, racking up good karma, manifesting abundance, and spreading harmony like confetti! Who else remembers those mind, body, and spirit magazines? Total gems!
Then life threw me a curveball, and I lost my magical touch for ages. I’d only pick it up during desperate times between chaotic parenting, a topsy-turvy work-life balance, and a string of less-than-stellar romantic escapades. Fast forward to my 30s: burnout city, huns! I crashed and found myself in the depths of a catatonic depression. But hey, Jim Carrey once said, “depression is your body in deep rest,” and I was definitely resting! I realized I could no longer play the character I’d created in my misguided life narrative.
So, I made the bold move to uproot my family to… guess what? Home sweet home! The enchanting countryside of Lavenham, Suffolk—where magic oozes from every cobblestone! And just like that, my obsession returned, but this time with a serious twist. It became my religion! I embraced every moon phase, prayed, crafted, and dove headfirst into witch crafting whenever I had a spare moment. I felt like I was finally on my destined path, with numerological synchronicities guiding me along the way.
I decided to share my newfound spirituality on social media, and bloomin 'eck, did that open a can of worms! Not everyone was on board with my magical journey, but a few supportive friends encouraged me to sell my unique spell jars. Surprise, surprise! Witch crafting and crystals exploded into popularity! Magic supplies, tarot cards, and crystals are everywhere now, making the competition fierce but also opening the door for a newfound spiritual community. Count me in; I’m all about it!
In this wild world powered by AI and social media, humans continue to find healing and compassion for one another, with a growing yearning to reconnect with nature. It’s like we’re witnessing a cultural renaissance of modern spiritual witchcraft! The old crone with her pointy hat and warty nose is so yesterday. No more witch hunts for women who dared to help the sick or give sage advice. Those barbaric times are behind us!
So here’s my little sprinkle of magic into this beautiful world of witchcraft. I hope you enjoy the few delightful creations crafted with my heart and soul!
May you manifest all the abundance and peace your heart desires. So mote it be.
Blessed be!